How to farm on Ghost Finance

The complete (but simple) guide

Ghost Finance
3 min readMay 11, 2021

Once the Yield Farming is live, and that you claimed your GHOST tokens, you are ready !

First, go to “POOLS” to see all the available pools, and unlock your wallet.

⚠️ If you can’t connect using Metamask, be sure that you added the Fantom Opera Network :


Great ! You can now see all the pools.

You need to click on “Approve” to unlock the “Stake”, “Unstake” and “Harvest” buttons.


Since GHOST pools are on multiple DEXs. The price is different in every pool.

If you want to buy GHOST, chose the lowest price and click on “BUY”. If you want to sell, you can do the same by choosing the higher price.

Add liquidity/Stake

To earn GHOSTs by staking, you need to add liquidity with your GHOST tokens and some FTM.

For example, if you want to stake in the “SpiritSwap” pool. Click on “BUY”, and once on the SpiritSwap app, click on “Liquidity” :

Then “Add Liquidity” :

Choose the amount you want to add, and click on “Supply”.

You will receive your Spirit LP Tokens 😎

Now, go back on Ghost Finance, and click on stake :

You choose the amount of LP Token you want to stake, and confirm.

Amazing, you just staked some LP Tokens !!


Since you are staking, you are earning some GHOSTs. To get them back, click on “Harvest”, and confirm the transaction.


It’s very simple to unstake. Just click on “Unstake” :

Choose the amount you want to unstake, and confirm the transaction :

Unstake is also harvesting your GHOST

